Solar Servicing

The team at Integrate Electrical has vast experience working with solar systems all around Australia. We have installed, replaced & repaired thousands of systems. This is why we know solar servicing can be one of the biggest money & time savers for every Sunshine Coast homeowner.

At Integrate Electrical we offer our customers a $199 solar health check. During your solar servicing visit, our Sunshine Coast electricians will:

  • check all solar panels are clean, secure and free from defects

  • check that no elements of the system have deteriorated or corroded

  • vents are free from debris

  • determine that switches do not have any defects

  • ensure wiring has not been damaged or deteriorated

  • conduct electrical testing to ensure that all components are operating efficiently

  • confirm that cables and fittings are securely attached

  • conduct a review of the inverter display panel for any recorded faults

  • check that the isolator switches have not been impeded

  • ensure that emergency procedures for shutdown and isolation are clearly displayed

What happens after my solar service?

Every $199 solar health check receives a customised solar health report which is drawn up by one of our in-house solar specialists.

This report will detail all the test results from the service as well as any further information about your system.

This report will provide either one of two things:

  1. We will need to process a warranty on your behalf.

    Sometimes over time, solar systems just don’t perform like they used to. This can be for a number of reasons which our solar specialists will be able to discuss with you. In this instance, we will process a warranty and execute the repair. While this might not seem like great news, you’re getting a new solar system for the price of a $99 solar service! This system should then last you years to come.

  2. Your system is functioning perfectly! A solar service is always great peace of mind.

Following your initial solar service, we recommend that our technicians attend your property annually to ensure that the function stays optimal.

Book Now

To book your solar service today, contact our team on 0434 512 992 or request a call today.


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